Now I could be all basic and say the last person I kissed was Braylon lol but I know this means the last person I KISSSSSSSED lol. Soooooo of course it better be Dwayne right? Or else Im getting dumped lol.

After 11 years we finally made it. We finally stopped being "just friends" and became a couple. We finally stopped dealing with failed relationships and venting to each other to becoming an item....A thing...an emotion.....a LOVE! I remember the talks we had playing around with the idea but never followed through. I remember the flirting and the teasing. I remember everyone saying "Dammit just go ahead and be together already!". Well, we did it. Thank you for supporting me, fighting for me, and sticking up for me. I am your biggest cheerleader and I enjoy watching you work, succeed, and just being you. We compliment each other...You are my MAN...You are my Knight...You are my Jamaican King...and Im your Queen...or what you like to call me...your EMPRESS! I love you.

Yes, we argue, & yes we get on each others nerves at times but with every kiss, & every hug, it never lasts long. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and loving me through thick and thin. I may not say it all the time or even show it but you are the best thing thats happened to me in a long time. We have so many memories already that I laugh all the time or think of them when I'm feeling down. From the burned rice and macaroni and cheese to u scaring me & making me cry. From the night the bug flew in the car and I jumped in the back seat like a bat, to the night we made out on the dance floor like no one was there but us. I love you.
Whats best is the fact that you LOVE Braylon like hes your own and he loves you back. He asks about you everyday when youre not there and when you are you 2 are inseparable. I love seeing the smile on both your faces when you get together. Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes because hes so happy. I love watching the 2 of you play and have your man and lil man moments. Gotta admit, I enjoy being the woman of the house watching my 2 boys. Sometimes when you stay over, and Braylon jumps in the bed at 3AM I wake up and see the 2 of you laying there and I just stare. He deserves you & I deserve you and you deserve US. I love you.

Whether we're out with the crew or inside cuddling on the sofa we can have fun together. I love the fact our friends can get together and it be like family. Whether its the big dinners at Bahama Breeze, the memorable...or "what happened last night" nights at the club, we always end with a laugh or me getting on your nerves because im yelling for no reason...."I thought you were leaving...um no im getting something out the car....oh my bad!" lol..... or..... The "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside the club" to the deep conversations that come out of nowhere at Waffle House. They all make for funny moments when we reminisce.

I remember the day I realized how serious we really were. You asked me for my ring size. You asked me to send you pictures of my perfect ring. You talked to my parents about your intentions and got their blessing. You talked to my brother as not just a friend but a brother. Thats when I realized that this may be IT for me and Im ok with that. So if we last or not and whether or not we do take that walk down the aisle...just know that at this moment...right now...I love you & everything you are. Muahs!
Inside joke:
Is that a camel toe!!!!! Im on the side of a truck! lol :o)~