Thursday, November 6, 2008


Soooooo I dont know what happened for sure but apparently someone tried to break into my townhouse today. I wasnt there thank God I was actually at the Studio but I was called by my security people who told me my alarm went off. My system is connected to my cell phone cuz I dont have a house phone and I think its safer that way anyways cuz otherwise they can just cut the phone cord. Anyways, when they called I of course just said oh its fine thinking maybe the wind hit the door too hard or brays window wasnt shut all the way. Well when I got home I didnt check the front door because I always come in through the garage. I went to take the trash out right now and theres a small chip in my door where the lock is...kinda like someone was trying to force it open. Soooo right now Im sitting in my bed waiting for the cops to come. What sucks is when someone wrote on my car I learned that the security cameras at my complex dont really work. They told me they were a ploy to stop crime....WOW! Guess thats not working. Im a little nervous so my brother and my dad are going to stay with Christy and I tonight. Im kinda laming it out I know but I am really scared so dont get it twisted. I just have to stay calm ya know...thats why Im blogging. I think by my blogs if anything ever happens to me, God forbid, at least I wrote about it and it may somehow help...I dont know, maybe I watch too many movies or too many of those reality cop/detective shows. Its been really weird because ive started receiving more of my childs fathers fan mail and I recently received a note at my front door written in crayon that said "(his name) is my hero, why didnt you return my message". Of course that sounds like a little child but what message didnt I return??? I dont know. Its just crazy. Im trying to think of more things to write so I dont get myself to paranoid. Blah blah blah blah blah.....i dont know what to write I dont know what to write....,hmmmmmmm......blah blaasdkflskdfakldsksfnkkkd Ahhhhh Im hella scared, wheres my dad and brother. Christys at the game still. OMGOMGOMG.....okay calm down,....Im looking at braylon in the camera. Ive checked on him like 20 times in the past 10 minutes. Thats why I keep taking breaks from writing. I keep looking out all the windows thinking someones watching me and waiting for the lights to go out. Okay too many movies Royce...chill out....deep breaths deep breaths.....okay imma go cuz this writing isnt working. bye please pray for us. Im sure its nothing right? Maybe a stick hit the door. Maybe that chip is old and I never recognized it till now and in fact it was the wind right? okay bue. I called the security ppl back by the way, theyre the 1s that sent the cops. Okay for real im rambling and starting to shake with nerves. okay bue for real.


Anonymous said...

I am hoping for the best for you. Stay safe.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

are u ok sister? anywho be safe and have a great weekend - i had two stalkers came home and one was sitting in my truck one day and the other woman - an ex broke windows to my home