Sunday, November 23, 2008


Has any1 besides me ever wondered why you always speak your mind and your heart after youve had a few drinks? Like 2nite...Its Classic Weekend...Saturday night...I had a ball...but towards the end of the night I started thinking....Thinking about ish thats happened in the past month and a half and I started hurting. It sucked. I was having so much fun. But like always, as things wind down you start thinking about life... I actually ended up going to someone and asking a question about something that happened 2 weeks ago. Why? Im not supposed to care... Why do we hold on to things that we KNOW arent meant to be... Things that we know we deserve better than... things that are staring us right in the face? I hate it. I let go... so i Thought. I want to let go...dont I? I think when ure tipsy you face reality to the point theres no barrier and you just dont care. You speak ur mind and u feel ur heart. Ure kinda forced to... and theres no way around it. I think thats a way of purging... a way of getting out the feelings uve locked in for so long and now u have to let them go. Tonight I realized that I was holding hurt... I gotta let that go. I gotta realize Im not gonna get the answer why or what if...I just gotta let go...thats ok... finally. I know its not gonna happen overnight but I have to eventually let the past be the past so I can open my eyes to the future. On another note. I did have fun. I finally met my blog rival DO and he was actually really cool. I think my teeth are straighter but thats another argument. He was really sweet and I have to say that if things were diff...nevermind lolol. Im goin to sleep before I start typing too much. Im still a lil tipsy...

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