Sunday, August 31, 2008

Something Illegal...

Well today was started out normal. I woke up, went to a few stores to buy some things for the studio, and once I arrived I got to work. I put the glass top on the reception desk, I put together a chair and I tried to organize a few things. Its definitely coming along. Ill put up some pictures later on....Now moving on...around 615 I turned into sneak mode. Our Holyland Show has been selling out the past 2 months and since they turned away 700 ppl last night I told my girl she needed ot get there early. Black ppl early is 15 minutes....that doesnt work. The show starts at 715 and at 630 they were turning all the cars coming into the park away. Our call time was 615 so by the time I realized she wasnt there Id already pulled in. Sooooo I had to come up with an excuse to leave the park and come back. I said I forgot my costume next door...lolol yea...anyways, I told her to pull around back and jump in my trunk. She thought I was kidding till she saw I wasnt laughing. So she jumped in, I told her to put a blanket over herself and act normal but dont move<---kind of an oxymoron I know. Well to make a long story short she got in the show thru the side door we dancers come in and all was well. Afterwards we decided we wanted some Blue Crabs and went to The Crab Stop. Theyre pretty good just really small. After a few hours in the Studio and Braylon coming home, we finally got back to my place to chow down. She wanted Garlic Crabs but I got Old Bay since I have to talk to people tomorrow. hahaha. Well, thats all for tonight. Im soooo sleepy my eye is twitching so "Ill Holla!".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That dancer (demoya) is my cousin !!! Omg I can't believe you all danced together...